
Muzeum of Architecture
Wroclaw, Poland, 2013

Principals: Andrea Di Stefano, Aleksandra Jaeschke
Collaborator: Salvo Pappalardo
Support: Mustapha Chitachni , Aleksandra Adamczewska, Małgorzata Długiewicz, Konrad Kulwicki, Dorota Lachowska, Dagna Mirecka, Aleksandra Mrowca, Krystian Polański
Special thanks to Andrea Cutrale

Paper Dragon is an origami installation developed for the Museum of Architecture in Wro-claw. A fully recyclable cardboard structure based on Ron Resch’s tessellation is integrated with an elastic meshwork to enhance global control and counterbalance external forces and internal thrust. The result is a continuous and flexible structural surface which evolves from a flat display wall for drawings into a vaulting rampant arch which enwraps the void around displayed objects, and a porous screen which separates the two zones. A system of apertures, parametrically distributed according to surface curvature, allows for strategic control of visual and luminous permeability across the surface. Constrained at two opposite extremes of the 30-meter-long space, the structure finds its own form and performs a solo, like a structural virtuoso, a pure ornament, an architectural folly.

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